Saarela, S., Gobakken, T., Ørka, H.O., Bollandsås, O.M., Næsset, E., Ståhl, G. (2024). Handling Single-Year Big Data in Forest Inventory Systems Based on Remote Sensing and Multi-Temporal Data Assimilation. Available at SSRN: or
Puliti, S., Fischer, C., Astrup, R. (2024). BranchPoseNet: Characterizing tree branching with a deep learning-based pose estimation approach.
Xiang, B., Peters, T., Kontogianni, T., Vetterli, F., Puliti, S., Astrup, R., Schindler. K. (2023). Towards accurate instance segmentation in large scale lidar point clouds.
Conference contribution, Workshops and seminars
Noordermeer, L. (2025). Hvordan bør vi beregne feltvariabler? Takst- og planseminar 2025, Asker, Norway, March 06-07, 2025.
Moan, MÅ. (2025). Bonitering med laser – min doktorgrad. Takst- og planseminar 2025, Asker, Norway, March 06-07, 2025.
Moan, MÅ. (2025). Lukkede hogstformer – Klassifisering av egnethet – tanker fra forskningen. Takst- og planseminar 2025, Asker, Norway, March 06-07, 2025.
Jutras-Perreault, M-C. (2025). Storskala kartlegging av livløpstrær. Takst- og planseminar 2025, Asker, Norway, March 06-07, 2025.
Puliti, S. (2025). Hypertette laserdata: ny informasjon og nytte. Takst- og planseminar 2025, Asker, Norway, March 06-07, 2025.
Sandum, HN. (2025). Bestandsinndeling med KI. Takst- og planseminar 2025, Asker, Norway, March 06-07, 2025.
Puliti, S., Wielgosz, M., Xiang, B., Schindler, K., Astrup, R. (2024). SegmentAnyTree: A sensor and platform agnostic deep learning model for tree segmentation using laser scanning data. ForestSat2014, Rotorua, New Zealand, September 09-13, 2024.
Hoseini, M., Gobakken, H.R., Hoffmann, S., Horvath, C., Rahlf, J., Bjerketvedt, J., Puliti, S., Astrup, R. (2024).A Sensor Solution For Automated Measurements of Forest Roads. 56th International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization (FORMEC), Gdańsk, Poland, June 11-14, 2024.
Fischer, C., Hoseini, M. (2024). Can Log Geometry Be Used For Traceability Within The Forest Value Chain? (Poster). 56th International Symposium on Forestry Mechanization (FORMEC), Gdańsk, Poland, June 11-14, 2024.
Fischer, C., Hoseini, M., Sandvik, Y.J., Horvath, C., Astrup, R. (2023). Enhancing efficiency and value through full traceability of timber from the forest to the sawmill. 55th International Symposium on Forest Mechanization (FORMEC) and the 7th Forest Engineering Conference (FEC), Florence, Italy, September 20-24, 2023.
Hoseini, M., Fischer, F., Wielgosz, M., Horvath, C., Astrup, R. (2023). Poster: Assessing the outer shape of sawlogs at the mill gate using stereo cameras and deep learning. 55th International Symposium on Forest Mechanization (FORMEC) and the 7th Forest Engineering Conference (FEC), Florence, Italy, September 20-24, 2023.
Horvath, C., Hanssen, K.H., Berg, S., Astrup, R. (2023). SmartPlanter: a planting device for precision planting. 55th International Symposium on Forest Mechanization (FORMEC) and the 7th Forest Engineering Conference (FEC), Florence, Italy, September 20-24, 2023.
Hoffmann, S., Hoseini, M., Puliti, S., Astrup, R. (2023). Forest road surface monitoring using GNSS-aided dashcams and computer vision. 55th International Symposium on Forest Mechanization (FORMEC) and the 7th Forest Engineering Conference (FEC), Florence, Italy, September 20-24, 2023.
Rahlf, J., Puliti, S., Astrup, R. (2023). ForestSens: combining sensors and AI for sustainable forest management and operations. 55th International Symposium on Forest Mechanization (FORMEC) and the 7th Forest Engineering Conference (FEC), Florence, Italy, September 20-24, 2023.
Rahlf, J., Hoffmann, S., Astrup, R. (2023). Poster: Forest road geometry extraction with AI and large area airborne laser scanning. 55th International Symposium on Forest Mechanization (FORMEC) and the 7th Forest Engineering Conference (FEC), Florence, Italy, September 20-24, 2023.
Puliti, S. (2023). Keynote: Open data and AI translating the language of trees. SilviLaser 2023, London, Great Britain, September 06-08, 2023.
Bielza, C.J., Noordermeer, L., Næsset, E., Gobakken, T., Breidenbach, J., Ørka, H.O. (2023). Predicting tree species composition using airborne laser scanning and spectral data. SilviLaser 2023, London, Great Britain, September 06-08, 2023.
Noordermeer, L., Ørka,. H.O., Gobakken, T. (2023). Poster: Imputing stem frequency distributions using harvester and airborne laser scanner data. SilviLaser 2023, London, Great Britain, September 06-08, 2023.
Moan, M.Å., Noordermeer, L., Bollandsås, O.M. (2023). Poster: Site index determination using a time series of airborne laser scanning data. SilviLaser 2023, London, Great Britain, September 06-08, 2023.
Nahorna, O., Gobakken, T., Noordermeer, L., Eyvindson, K. (2023). Quantifying the value of using detailed forest inventory information in a Norwegian context. IBFRA Conference, Helsinki, Finland, August 28-31, 2023.
Saarela, S., Gobakken, T., Ørka, H.O., Bollandsås, O.M., Næsset, E., Ståhl, G. (2023). Data assimilation for forest inventory: first Norwegian experiences. IBFRA Conference, Helsinki, Finland, August 28-31, 2023.
Astrup, R. (2023). SmartForest. Advancing Silvicultural Technology, Umeå, Sweden, August 22-24, 2023.
Horvath, C., Hanssen, K.H., Berg, S., Astrup, R. (2023). A cloud-connected planting: SmartPlanter for precision planting. Advancing Silvicultural Technology. Umeå, Sweden, August 22-24, 2023.
Hanssen, K.H., Berg, S., Horvath, C. (2023). Poster: Time consumption of high accuracy planting. Advancing Silvicultural Technology. Umeå, Sweden, August 22-24, 2023.
Puliti, S., Hanssen, K.H., Astrup, R. (2023). Use of drones and deep learning in forest regeneration surveys. Advancing Silvicultural Technology. Umeå, Sweden, August 22-24, 2023.
Astrup, R. (2023). Keynote: The digital forest: opportunities for innovation and improved forest management. Growth and Yield Innovations Conference 2023. Canmore, Alberta, Canada, June 18–21, 2023.
Rahlf, J., Puliti, S., Astrup, R. (2023). Empowering Sustainable Forest Management with AI: The ForestSens Experience. Geospatial World Forum 2023, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, May 02-05, 2023.
Rahlf, J., Astrup, R., Puliti, S. (2023). ForestSens – Empowering the digital forest value chain. OUGN2023 – Spring Seminar for Oracle users, Oslo, Norway, April, 24-25, 2023.
Astrup, R. (2024) Towards improved characterization of forest structure with high resolution 3D point clouds. Forest Ecosystems Spring Workshop 2024. Beijing Forestry University, China, April 23, 2024.
Astrup, R. (2023). Keynote: Supporting sustainable forest management through improved information flow and AI. Artificial Intelligence and Ecosystem Management Conference. Palencia, Spain, April 18-21, 2023.
Gobakken, T., Noordermeer, N. (2023). Råtedata fra hogstmaskin. Takst- og planseminar 2023, Holmen Fjordhotell, Norway, March 09-10, 2023.
Gobakken, T., Rahlf, J., Hansen, E. (2023). Nye volum- og avsmalningsfunksjoner. Takst- og planseminar 2023, Holmen Fjordhotell, Norway, March 09-10, 2023.
Ørka, H.O., Jutras-Perreault, M.C. (2023). Teknologisk status for fjernmåling av miljøverdier. Takst- og planseminar 2023, Holmen Fjordhotell, Norway, March 09-10, 2023.
Ørka, H.O., Bielza, J.C. (2023). Treslagsinformasjon fra fjernmåling. Takst- og planseminar 2023, Holmen Fjordhotell, Norway, March 09-10, 2023.
Astrup, R., (2023). SmartForest. Tømmer og Høggere 2024, Sundvollen Hotell, Norway. February 13, 2023.
Rahlf, J., Göhl, M., Puliti, S. (2022). Obtaining forest road geometry features from airborne laser scanning using deep learning. 9th ForestSAT 2022 Conference, Berlin, Germany, 09.08. – 03.09. 2022.
Puliti, S. (2022). Droner i SmartForest. Skog & Tre konferanse, Quality Airport Hotel Gardemoen, Norway, June 2-3, 2022.
Noordermeer, L., Gobakken, T. (2022). Verktøy for optimal aptering. Skog & Tre konferanse, Quality Airport Hotel Gardemoen, Norway, June 2-3, 2022.
Erik Næsset (2021) Fremtidens skogbruksplanlegging. Utvikling av skogbruksplaner: historikk, fra bakken og opp i lufta, laser, SR-16, satellitter – hva videre?. Skogforum Honne 2021, Honne, Norway, November 04-05, 2021
Räty, J., Astrup, R., Breidenbach, J. (2021). Model-Assisted Estimation of Timber Volume by Means of Harvester and ALS Data. SilviLaser 2021, Vienna, Austria, September 28- 30, 2021.
Moan, M.Å. (2024). Advancing site index determination using point cloud data. Philosophiae Doctor Thesis 2024:70. Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management.