We have an open PhD position at NIBIO! Are you interested in utilizing remote sensing data and data on fores...
Join us for breakfast and learn about digitalization of forestry in Norway at Vitenparken Campus Ås! http...
We are happy to introduce our new SmartForest Postdocs Maciej Wielgosz and Mostafa Hoseini! Both have their of...
Together with Oracle Cloud SmartForest works on creating a cloud computing solution for depolying AI algorithm...
Our project partners Mistra Digital Forest organize a program conference (in Swedish) on "Digitalisering i sko...
We held our first SmartForest conference! We had two great days with news from the workpackages, innovation...
Please download the SmartForest Annual Report 2021 SmartForest Annual Report 2021 2.67MB Summary...
We will take part in the upcoming ‘Mistra Digital Forest Program Conference’ on Mai 20th. Please find more...
On Mars 9.th we had the first General Assembly with all partners, and the first board for SmartForest was elec...
SmartForest had its formal startdate November 1st 2020. Please download or have a look at our Annual Report 20...